Initiation To Healing
It’s been years now that the terms like healing, spirituality, awakening, manifesting and so on, are everywhere around us. But what do we actually heal from? Healing is a turbulent process of the total acceptance of all our parts, especially those that we didn’t have the capacity to see when we were younger.
The initiation to a healing process is different for everybody, the only sure thing is that, during this lifetime, it will - sooner or later - happen to all of us. It may be a soft whispering in the form of some kind of dissatisfaction in our life, or it can be a shaking, sudden event that turns our life upside down. It depends on how much we are used to listening to refined voices our body and intuition tell us over time. And how much our unconscious mind keeps us safe by resisting to make a change.
We can’t skip the process once we are initiated into it - a lot of old patterns and beliefs that live inside us will try this, and sometimes they will overtake during this ride, but on a long term, the only available option to choose in this game will be to surrender. It will be difficult as hell, actually - it will truly feel like a mix of hell and despair, but there’ll be no way out. Only in, deeper and deeper, until we don’t dig all sort of bullshit we’ve been telling ourselves for such a long time. Healing process is about shedding old skin and seeing ourselves so vulnerable, completely naked from all the stories that were protecting us, for too long. Healing process is about facing ourselves for who we are, when nobody’s watching.
There will be many levels that none of us will enjoy, but those are the most necessary ones to proceed in this game. Some levels will require outside support - in the form of other persons, therapies, techniques, rituals… the key is to remain open and welcome everything that bumps our way through it. Sometimes, the process will feel like complete madness, but who’s to decide the parameters of craziness when everything we thought was a supportive system for us, crumbles into pieces?
Every healing path is a different one, with its own timing. It’s one way and without rules. The only certainty is there’s no end. Healing is a lifetime journey. Not only this lifetime, but it’ll probably continue in our next reincarnation. You can’t escape it - so good luck on surrendering to it!